Sunday 1 May 2011

Final Products

The trailer...

My magazine front cover...

My film poster...

Evaluation Question 4: How did you used media techonologies in the construction & research, planning and evaluation stages?

Evaluation Question 3: What have you learned from audience feedback? your feedback?

Audience feedback has played a huge part within the production stages of my project, as through this I have been able to see how an audience would react to it, and adjust it accordingly along the way.
Audience feedback has probably been the most vital during early stages of filming the footage for my trailer. Originally my trailer was going to be of the Mystery thriller genre, and the storyline was about someone who'd had their identity stolen. After filming my initial practise footage, I was extremely unhappy with how it had turned out. After showing to some people I considered as my target audience, I was able to use their feedback in order to move on. Some suggested that using similar shots to those I already had, but changing the genre and storyline. So from there I changed the genre from Mystery Thriller to Social Realism/Drama, and I developed the storyline to fit the new genre. The new storyline became about a boy living in a modern society, which has let him down and he has lost his way, becoming alone with no-one to help him.
Throughout production of the trailer, audience feedback has been helpful. Due to working on the trailer, I may have missed out errors within my work. So therefore, having my target audience give me feedback along the way, I have been able to adjust my work accordingly, getting the best result.

Similarly, with the production of my ancillary products, feedback has been important as it ensures that the target audience will be pleased with the final products. Particularly within the production of my film poster, the feedback I received from the first poster I produced was positive however a few suggestions were made. These suggestions, made by my target audience, led to me producing a second poster which ended up being the final product as it was the preferred poster. If I hadn't have received this particular feedback, I wouldn't have gotten such positive feedback from my final products.

Evaluation Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Click on the images, this will take you to flickr where the images have been annotated.
Film poster
Magazine Front Cover

Evaluation Question 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms & conventions of real media products?

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms & conventions of real media products?

Here is a presentation I recently did looking at the exam work, however it focuses of different conventions and elements featured within my trailer, such as representation, so it will help to awnser this question.


My main source of feedback has been verbal throughout the production stages of this product, however so that I could see what my target audience thought of my final products I have set up a facebook (social networking site) group so that people can see and comment on the final trailer, poster and front cover. I added people to the group who I believe to be my target audience, and although those who I know will give me constructive criticism.
Generally, the feedback I received was brillliant which I was extremely happy with. Those who left feedback generally left detailed comments of what they thought, and seemed to be honest, which I greatly appreciated!
Here are some of the comments in more detail...
Trailer feedback:
Interpreting feedback: I was extremely happy with the feedback I got for my trailer. Generally, it was said that the transitions were smooth, the shots were well thought out, and the trailer is emotional due to the expressions of the main character. It was said that it gave a vague idea of the storyline, however didn't give much away creating suspense. General criticisms made were that some of the beginning shots were a little shakey, and that the music didn't come in too smoothly at one point. However, overall really good feedback.
Poster feedback:
Interpreting the feedback: Again, generally awesome feedback! Good points that have been picked up on have been the use of the blur effect used on the image, how professional it looks, and how they can be linked to the other products. Things picked up on for improvement are how some of the text bleeds into the background colour and the use of the stars at the top of the poster.
Magazine feedback:
Interpreting the feedback: Yet again, brilliant feedback. Good things that have been picked up are the impact of the image and how it fits in with the Little White Lies theme, however there was more things that were said to need improvement. One thing that was picked up on was that it seemed a little empty and that the logo seems a bit "lost", which could've been helped with a background image or colour.
Overall, I am really please with the feedback recieved on my final products!

Finished Products!

And here are the final products...
The trailer (Please watch the trailer in HD)

The magazine front cover...

The film poster...

Which film poster?


Once I had roughly put my trailer together, I needed to add a soundtrack to go along with. I knew before I started work on the soundtrack, the kind of sound I was aiming for, which is slow moving, minimal piano track. Soundtrack pro is the programme I used to compose my soundtrack, as it has over 5000 loyalty free loops and sound effects

Here is the browser featured in Soundtrack Pro, which is used to find loops. Because I already knew what kind of music I wanted, I used the search tabs of the browser and simply typed in piano. It came up with hundreds of loops, and i worked my way through until I found some that I like.
Once I have found some that I like I click and dragged them across to the main window of the programme. Instead of editing them together in Soundtrack Pro, I saved each loop as an individual file and dropped them into Final Cut Express which is the programme I used to edit the film together.
Once placed into Final Cut, I was able to fade the loops in and out using the basic keyframing tool.

Film poster 2

After receiving feedback on my film poster, I've had some suggestions on alterations. A general comment made was that there is too much white on the page, and some have suggested trying to recreate the poster with the picture in the entirety of the background. I took this feedback into consideration and made a second poster....